**Thankyou for your generosity. Raffle is now closed. Winner announced soon!**
Reclaimed crafty bits and spring treats!
I wanted to do something for the Japan Quake Appeal, in conjunction with
Jo's Blog, but as I'm not sure anyone in blogland would actually WANT any of my crafts, I've decided to put together a selection of vintage/reclaimed crafty bits and a few treats. This package is put together with Spring in mind. New growth and renewal. Good Luck to Japan.
Here's a breakdown of what's included:
Vintage pillowcase in a flower design, yellow/mustard colour
Two pieces of 20cmx20cm felt
Assorted buttons
Spools of yellow and green thread
A spool of silver lurex thread, suitable for sewing, or knitting/crocheting in with yarn for extra twinkle.
Ribbons in mint green, white and gold
A vintage buckle with a pearly sheen
A vintage yellow plastic thimble
Package of tiny blue/green seed beads
Small test tube of yellow sequins in different shapes
Card of sewing needles, assorted sizes and uses.
Dylon "Golden Yellow" dye, instructions included
A few more sewing things:
Piece of linen or cotton (approx 60cmx40cm) with vintage embroidery transfer printed on half.
Two pretty pieces of fabric (approx 25cmx25cm) from a sample book (has two holes punched near the top from when it was in the book). These have a flower/leaf/branch design, one is green/brown colours, the other is mustard/grey
Piece of cream leather (approx 25cmx20cm) from a sample book (has two holes punched near the top from when it was in the book)
Two 4.5yard skeins of "Sheba" vintage rayon thread, one in light green, one in mid-spring green
One skein of DMC embroidery thread in cream
Two skeins of Clark's embroidery thread in light and mid green.
Small vintage booklet with embroidery stitches
Length of cream lace.
Small pincushion made by me from a tiny "Bless this House" cup.
Here's a closeup:
Some yarny bits:
Plastic flower loom
Small skeins of sample yarns to play with straightaway! Mustard, ochre, dark green, and green mix sock yarn
Small (tiny?) skein of pure silk, spun and plied by me on a drop spindle. I'm a learner! This is a little.... rustic :)
Vintage plastic knitting needles (Robinoid size 13 and Millwards size 11)
Three English breakfast and three Lady Grey teabags from Twinings (well, if it's good enough for Stephen Fry...)
Sunny yellow plastic bead necklace
Two Cadbury's creme eggs (I can substitute for other British sweeties if you live somewhere hot)
Sterling Silver Bird and Cloud Rings made by Tuareg nomads from Plumo. Unworn. They sent the wrong size, these are SMALL! (Review
Here's a close up of the rings. They're lovely. My chubby-hand loss is your gain :)
Here's a link to the full picture set on Flickr, incase the photos mess up here.
Here's how to enter:
Each raffle entry must be a donation of £5 ($8 ish).
This is open internationally, I will post anywhere. PayPal should convert your currency to £GBP for you.
To enter, go to
Global Giving and make a £5 donation, when you have done it come back to this post and leave a comment with your receipt number and you must also leave a valid email address, you can write the address in the format of mymailname 'at' hotmail 'dot' com.
You may enter as many times as you like but each time you need a new receipt number. For help with the donation you can refer to this
post on Jo's blog.
Raffle closes at 12.00noon GMT 26th March.
If you make a mistake or forget to add you email address please delete the first comment and re-write it.
The raffle held on this blog is in no way affiliated with Global Giving, that's just our chosen method of getting the funds safely to the affected area.